Key elements for hybridization technology development of 2000×2000 pixels Infrared Focal Plane Arrays - Tuesday, Aug 10, 2021
Integration of a Testbench for the Optical and Thermal Characterization of Near-Infrared Detectors Used in Ground and Space-Based Astronomy - Thursday, Dec 24, 2020
J.Jiménez, A. Grau and C. Padilla, “Integration of a Testbench for the Optical and Thermal Characterization of Near-Infrared Detectors Used in Ground and Space-Based Astronomy,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, pp. 1-7, 2021, Art no. 5006107, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2020.3046923.
Cryo-vacuum system for low temperature thermal cycling of MCT detectors - Sunday, Dec 13, 2020
Status of space activity and science detectors development at Lynred - Friday, Oct 12, 2018
Review of the development of 2k2 IR FPAs for astronomy and Space in Europe - Tuesday, Sep 18, 2018
New Asteroid publication at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, - Monday, Sep 17, 2018
“Development of astronomy large focal plane array “ALFA” at Lynred and CEA” by B. Fièque; A. Lamoure; F. Salvetti; S. Aufranc; O. Gravrand; G. Badano; O. Boulade; S. Mouzali; S. Basa has been published at Proc. SPIE 10709, High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VIII, 1070905 (6 July 2018)