Asteroid Work Plan
Apart from WP8 which is devoted to the management of the project the work plan is split in 7 work packages: WP1 to WP5 include R&D and manufacturing activities to proceed to their objectives whereas WP6 and WP7 are based on “soft” actions (analysis, presentation, discussion…) to achieve their goal.
WP1, 2 and 3 all contribute to the manufacturing of test vehicles (breadboards) in WP4. WP1 and WP3 are devoted to the development of the 2k² 15 µm pitch vehicle. The WP2 is devoted to the TV format 15 µm pitch test vehicle development. WP5 which is meant to define the industrial manufacturing line for 2k² 15 µm pitch FPA, uses output of WP 1 to WP3 but includes as well manufacturing actions to test some specific processing step without going up to a complete test vehicle. WP6 is meant to disseminate the results with different types of media depending on their confidentiality. WP7 uses inputs from all WP 1 to 5 and additional technical and market information provided by the Advisory board to define the commercialization evaluation strategy.