Asteroid Objectives
The main objective of the ASTEROID project is thus to extend the dimension of high performance infrared FPA that can be manufactured in Europe to dimensions equivalent to that of the US detector, overturning all constraints mentioned above. This will allow Europe to become independent for the procurement of this type of detectors. Examples of targeted format are : 2k² 15µm pitch FPA (2048x2048 pixels) and 2Kx1K 20µm pitch (2000x1000 pixels).
To reach this goal, three steps are required:
- Step 1: The technology must be available and mature. Technology here is understood as the association of:
- The design rules
- The manufacturing / processing knowledge required to manufacture the detectors.
- Step 2: The very large format products must be designed using the design rules associated to the technology and acquired in Step 1.
- Step 3: The industrial capacity to manufacture the detectors must be available.
Three years’ project duration and 5 million Euros project budget allow to initiate the three steps described above. Indeed, ASTEROID project objectives are indeed to acquire the technology necessary to manufacture very large IR FPA with preparing the strategy to create an industrial manufacturing line.
The technology required for manufacturing very large FPA is composed of 3 essential building blocks. One objective is associated to each of these building blocks as described below:
- Acquire the technology necessary to manufacture very large IR FPA
- Prepare the next steps:
- Define the types of products to design
- Define the strategy to create an industrial manufacturing line
The technology required for manufacturing very large FPA is composed of 3 essential building blocks. One objective is associated to each of these building blocks as described below:
ROIC development
- Validate a CMOS foundry capable of manufacturing very large Read Out Integrated Circuits with the industrial manufacturing line capable of post-processing large ROIC wafers.
MCT development
- Develop and validate 4" HgCdTe material compatible with the manufacturing of large infrared detectors (>2K²) with appropriate volume.
Hybridization technology
- Develop and validate the hybridization technique for manufacturing very large FPA with 15-20 µm pitch.
Finally, to define the strategy to implement an industrial manufacturing line, project ASTEROID also considers a fourth objective which is a commercial and industrial strategy definition for the large IR detectors.
Commercial and industrial strategy definition
- Define the different types of large format products to develop and define strategy business plan and related commercial evaluations